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  • Hello I am new here, I have a question how can I find my family member if he doesn’t come up on the bop. He is still in the fed jail they didn’t grant him a release prior to trial anyone know how else I can find him.
    He goes to trial 12/12. He was picked up in California flown to Oklahoma them went to ND and Minnesota
    I suspect it has something to do with him not being convicted yet. I've seen some cases where someone is assigned a register number before their trial, but even searching for the exact register number, they don't show up until they are convicted. I've also seen a couple cases where a self-surrender doesn't show up in the system even after they have a register number and are convicted until they actually report to prison.

    Not exactly sure what the reasoning is... maybe a "privacy" thing and they are innocent until proven guilty? 🤷🏻‍♂️
    I had this issue with my fiance when he was in bop custody but not in their facility. They had housed him in a county facility then a privately run ICE facility(even though he's a citizen). They were just housing him but the bop site just said not in BOP custody. But he popped up once he hit Oklahoma for designation. Since he hasn't been convicted yet I would try contacting his Federal public defender first. Call your region's office and they will be able to tell you who that is. They should be able to give you this information. Either that or the U.S . Marshall's office in the region. Simply because they are the ones who are responsible for his housing and transport until and if convicted. They can't tell you when they are moving him but they should be able to tell you his location.
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