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  • babyshae83
    babyshae83 reacted to digitalpoint's comment on Sarahdv's profile post with Like Like.
    If you haven't already done so, look them up here: Clicking their name will track them for you.
  • babyshae83
    babyshae83 reacted to nellie's comment on Smadrigal29's profile post with Like Like.
    They don't due packages in the feds.
  • babyshae83
    babyshae83 reacted to KNITTER2's comment on Lacey jane's profile post with Like Like.
    They are being moved from one facility to another by US Marshals - federal system.
  • Osamabinladen2x
    Osamabinladen2x commented on DanaBevis's profile post.
  • M
    MRZJJOHNSON75 updated their status.
    Im trying to reach Carlos Joel Nieves Ortega for the Otero family. His lil cousin Gordo is asking about him.... this is Gordo;s mom
  • MilanWife
    MilanWife reacted to nellie's comment on Euqinu85's profile post with Like Like.
    They Will not give you any information regarding any inmate. Only if they are housed there. They Will say that they can not stop you...
  • A
    amy666 replied to the thread Prison Wives Roll call!.
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    michelle3 replied to the thread Dear InmateIntake Community.
    Hello they have ask the person in charge if the link is gone Thu they send a email and a code in after set up you email them hopefully...
  • M
    michelle3 replied to the thread Dear InmateIntake Community.
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    michelle3 replied to the thread Phone Calls.
    Hi they used corrinks to make calls and emails but they call you or email you and make video calls but you have be on there visiting...
  • B
    Brenda Burdette reacted to digitalpoint's comment on Tduffy74's profile post with Like Like.
    I suspect it has something to do with him not being convicted yet. I've seen some cases where someone is assigned a register number...
  • MilanWife
    MilanWife replied to the thread Prison Wives Roll call!.
    FCI Milan
  • B
    burk84707 reacted to nellie's post in the thread Western Union with Like Like.
    So when you go into Western Union you can pull down the menu bar and it's going to say send to inmate when you click on that it's going...
  • pocahontasenke
    pocahontasenke replied to the thread Prison Wives Roll call!.
    My family and I is from south Georgia and mt brother just recently got shipped to Yazoo Low in Mississippi. How is thia prison? Does...
  • pocahontasenke
    pocahontasenke replied to the thread Prison Wives Roll call!.
    Yazoo Low in Mississippi