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hello there! I’m new here! My name is sierra. I’m from Corinth Mississippi. I have an uncle in pollock Louisiana penitentiary.im trying to figure out as much as possible about the prison,such as,visitation,how do we get in touch? (Jpay) (securus) ?? I overall just need a bit of help!! Please!! And thank you of course!
I really jus want know when Gary will be getting sent to a different prison or how long he's gonna be in the shu? Because not hearing from him shit sucks. Ik he said they told him he would leave the waiting game jus sucks because I wish he was able to call more than jus once a month
My fiance was arrested by federal cops on the rez sep23 I can't find him the bail bonds couldn't find him all it says when you look him up is no release date and not in bop custody he isn't in the county jail either could he be in a hospital?