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  1. D

    Transfered to another facility

    Thank you for your responses. I did finally hear from him and he did receive the money. He also received two of my letters. All is well.
  2. D

    Western Union

    Thank you so much.
  3. D

    Western Union

    Does anyone here use western unions send2corrections app to send money to a loved one in federal prison? If so, how can i be sure its reaching his trust fund account for him to use it? I am unsure if its reaching him because it asks for a commissary number and I dont have that. It says that the...
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    Prison Wives Roll call!

    FCI Edgefield Camp, South Carolina havent had any contact since they took him in April. They just keep moving him.
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    Transfered to another facility

    Hi. Im new to the site and i have a couple of questions. The situation is this. My boyfriend was taken into federal custody in April to finish out his sentence after being kicked out of the halfway house he was in for being late. For breaking rules. It took 3 weeks to even find out where the...
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    I sent money through western union and have no idea if it ever reached my mans trust fund acct...

    I sent money through western union and have no idea if it ever reached my mans trust fund acct. I emailed the facility and they didnt answer my question. So i dont know if i sent it correctly or did something wrong. All i know is that i still havent had any communication.