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  1. TwistedBrina

    Hunny loves where are you?

    Hunny loves where are you?
  2. TwistedBrina


    Seriously? My husband is supposed to be sent to Sandstone Minnesota from Wyoming (no federal in Wyoming) but not a word from him after nearly a month and he took is in FCI Florence (Colorado for u too correct?)
  3. TwistedBrina

    Phone Calls

    How long after they've been sent to federal prison did it take before u received a phone call from your husband? It's been neat a month and nothing, not even a letter
  4. TwistedBrina

    New to all this Fed suff

    Hello. So my husband was sentenced to Fed custody. Judge said he'd be going to Sandstone FCI, Minnesota (as we reside in Wyoming, there is NO federal facility in Wyoming for Federal inmates, except for holding ) after over a week of searching I finally found his current location, in Florence...