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  • I really jus want know when Gary will be getting sent to a different prison or how long he's gonna be in the shu? Because not hearing from him shit sucks. Ik he said they told him he would leave the waiting game jus sucks because I wish he was able to call more than jus once a month
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    Reactions: Amanda1984
    My husband just got transferred out of the shu to a different facility. It was horrible the minimum contact, not knowing what to expect. He was in Florence and the kept him in for a year while the case against him and his coworkers was being investigated. They won't transfer them until they have there hearing
    I suggest you call up there regularly to let them know that he's not alone. Write him And try to be positive when he calls though I know it's difficult. Hang in there and I wish you the best of luck.
    Ik it's horrible my husband Gary gotten his ass beaten by the COs they broke his eye sockets his jaw nose and his teeth pretty much killed him in wv n now he's bk in wv 5 yrs later smh
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