Recent content by AskingForAFriend

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    Phone Calls

    I have never used the phone to prison but there is usually a requirement for you to be on the inmate's visitor list. After that I suspect that they will have to call you, but I don't know that for sure.
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    Then I would contact the ombudsman. They shouldn't withhold medication from the inmates.
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    Then that is definitely wrong. I can understand them not letting you take them in as there is no way for them to know that the drugs are what you say they are. (and they don't want you muscling in on their own little drug importation scam). I assume you called the warden about the drugs? See if...
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    I think that is a whole point of the system, to control people and dehumanize them. I know it is difficult to understand being on the outside, but you just have to have patience. The prison system is basically a money maker for them. Just look at the prices of things on commissary. I know from...
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    Going to halfway home

    I agree with Digitalpoint. They are generally expected to make their own way to the halfway house. If they don't make it there then where will probably have a warrant issued for them.
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    Have they just been sent to the prison? Sometimes it can take a week or so to be processed through all the medical, psychological and educational stuff. Did they declare that they were on the meds when they were interviewed? The chances are, depending on the drugs, that they won't be given a...
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    I think it depends on where they are in terms of going through the system. If they are still in the 'intake and evaluation' phase, then you are probably not able to send anything in other than books. If they are in their 'permanent' housing, then I would imagine that you could send them...
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    Holidays are always difficult. In many ways having a loved one incarcerated is worse than having someone pass away. You want the best for them and know that they are wishing they were free to enjoy the day with their family and loved ones. Stay strong.
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    im new to this site, help with understanding and using information I can receive

    I know this is an old thread, but I thought I would reply in order to try and help anyone else with the same question. It is really up to the courts and if you can get someone to speak up for you. The best advice would be to take care of any warrants as soon as you can, they don't go away and...
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    The is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting a loved one. Those who would call anyone stupid truly don't appreciate the sacrifice and commitment it needs to take care of an incarcerated loved one. More power to you!
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    It can take a while before they get their tablet, but you should be able to see them in an inmate search. It may be that they are undergoing medical evaluations too.
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    Dear InmateIntake Community

    I agree with you. I decided to setup a website with the purpose of trying to help. I know people who are in the correction system at both state and federal level and it is difficult to find any information on things but especially for when they come out of the systems. They are pretty much...
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    USP Lewisburg Federal Prison

    I am not sure about federal bail, but a rough rule of thumb for bail is that you will need about 10% of the amount set by the court. You will probably need to go through a bail bondsman to secure the bail. Once bail is paid there will most likely be terms for the bail. The terms MUST be followed...
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    After Release

    I have no clue. Those halfway Houses seem to be addiction based. If they don't have an addiction, then I would think that they were in one of those. Good luck finding your loved one.
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    After Release

    You may find something on this: