im new to this site, help with understanding and using information I can receive

michele Hickman

New Member
Please help me understand how i can utilize this web site to my advantage. I have many questions on the legal procedures on felony warrants from many years past(2008) and detainers, causing a inmate unable to be in home arrest program. Also how to rectify any problems causing longer incarceration because of these elements.
Please just in box me with messages if you can help me.Thank you to anyone that will put aside some time for me. I would greatly appreciate it.
Please just in box me with messages if you can help me.Thank you to anyone that will put aside some time for me. I would greatly appreciate it.
I know this is an old thread, but I thought I would reply in order to try and help anyone else with the same question.

It is really up to the courts and if you can get someone to speak up for you. The best advice would be to take care of any warrants as soon as you can, they don't go away and even if you get involved in a traffic stop you will probably end up in jail.