Transfered to another facility


New Member
Hi. Im new to the site and i have a couple of questions. The situation is this. My boyfriend was taken into federal custody in April to finish out his sentence after being kicked out of the halfway house he was in for being late. For breaking rules. It took 3 weeks to even find out where the marshals had taken him. The judge had only said he would be placed in a facility in or near Oklahoma. So it took alot if calling and online searches and emails to ethics departments before i finally recieved a call from the assistant warden at Cimarron Correctional in Cushing, Ok. 3 weeks of struggling in vain to get the correct apps to work so i could talk to him and suddenly they move him to Atlanta, Georgia. And now hes been moved to Edgefield, South Carolina. His mail keeps missing him. It makes my head spin trying to keep up to just to send a letter with my information so he can email me an invite so we can communicate through Corrlinks. I've sent money twice now and have no idea if its even reaching him. We have spoken on the phone one time for 2 minutes. I've created accounts and funded them with several apps that have worked for me not at all. And nobody at any of the emails or at any of the phone numbers of any of the three facilities would answer my questions or offer even the tiniest bit of help or a glimmer of hope. Why do they keep moving him? Why wont anyone help me? And is there any way to get my email and contact information to him without sending another letter that just keeps missing him and getting returned? Please. This has been so painful and frustrating. Any help would be so very much appreciated.
First off forget those apps. I found out when I dealt, that only one had anything to do with my inmate. you have the federal inmate number? That has to be on all money and mail to get to your person. Search the bop for updates on where they are. This will help with getting to them. The other inmate money site( not western union) I use yes there is sending fees but they have instructions that help. Feds take their time with everything. It took mine 3 months to get belongings from Chicago. So keep looking , and I hope this helps some.
My husband also was at Cimarron for about a month then went to Atlanta for about a week and now Kentucky! I know the feeling! I continuously used the BOP offender locator to find him because his inmate booking number will be the same throughout. Now that he is finally in a more permanent place I’ve found that I can only use the western union Send2Connections app to send money or send it in the mail but you have to have his #. Also, since he got moved to Kentucky a couple weeks ago he gets 530 phone minutes per month so you can’t pay for time on the phone anywhere so I wouldn’t put funds on any apps now! I have been through all the dumb apps that barely work & nobody cares bc they know you have to use them if you want to communicate! But since he is where he will be staying I guess, the only app is for CorrLinks, but you’re right he has to know your email so he can send you an invite but there’s also an app called “Inmate Photos” with an orange camera icon where you can send pics, letters & a few other things they have to choose from. I think when I was searching for the app though I searched “Free Prints” bc that’s what another offender told him & I found the right one! Other than that there aren’t any other apps to go through or find now! Good luck to you & hopefully you’ve already spoke to him! I know how frustrating that feeling is!!
So I just got out of the federal prison up in SeaTac and my dude is in Thompson Illinois federal prison right now and so regarding to track somebody. sending money when will they receive it when they get moved how long it takes usually and so forth and if you send him cash through the mail it's going to take forever cuz it has to go down to Washington DC lock box so if you have any questions or concerns you can reach me at phone number 253-
345-2679 and my name is Nelly