Federal Prison Info - Alderson FPC Camp

Info and population history for Alderson FPC Camp.
Alderson FPC Camp
[email protected]
Mid-Atlantic Region (Eastern Time - 1:47 PM)
approx. 194 miles
737 (historical population data available to subscribers)
Glen Ray Rd. Box A
Alderson, WV 24910
2.00 star(s)
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Population history / map Reviews (1)

  • Historical population levels

    What does it look like?

    Where is it located?

    Current residents

    This is not an exhaustive list of inmates currently at this facility, just ones that we know about.
    Name Register number Age Gender Release date
    Stephanie Jean Abercrombie 50259-510 42 Female Nov 11, 2026
    Tamika Adams 39260-068 46 Female Apr 25, 2026
    Krissy Marie Biddix 06734-509 46 Female Jul 31, 2032
    Tammie Brolin 02190-509 57 Female Jul 19, 2028
    Tania Cesar 65331-510 56 Female Nov 2, 2026
    Amanda Christian 55929-509 35 Female Mar 23, 2026
    Devan Christopher 84063-509 37 Female Apr 26, 2025
    Rita Gray 78930-061 72 Female Mar 8, 2026
    Quinniea Gross 93479-509 28 Female Aug 4, 2025
    Sherry Michell Koonce 50297-509 37 Female Mar 17, 2025
    Maria Guadalup Lopez-ayala 01935-509 56 Female Oct 13, 2026
    Sonya Mitchell 58344-039 55 Female Jun 26, 2025
    Vila Nounay 54147-074 37 Female Dec 1, 2026
    Teresa Ann Parker 01951-509 54 Female Jun 30, 2029
    Brittanie Polite 29794-509 30 Female Dec 7, 2028
    Daisy Ravelo 58170-510 70 Female Mar 18, 2025
    Susan Engonwei Tingwei 02550-509 47 Female May 16, 2025
  • Reviews from people who have stayed here

    I participated in the Library Clerk Program. It is EXTREMELY OUTDATED!!! As of 2014, they were STILL using a card catalog and signing out books with a dated rubber stamper. NOTE: Libraries in today's society have evolved into the digital era. If the facility can provide digital messenger service for inmates, why can't the Library become digitized? If it's still like it was, the program is useless as the college "so called" credits that you receive for completing/participating in the program. The credits are NOT transferable. DO BETTER, FBOP.
    2.00 star(s) by T. K.,

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