Name | Register number | Age | Gender | Release date | |
Edwin Arnaldo Allende Rivera | 51929-069 | 37 | Male | Jul 12, 2026 | |
Daniel Armstrong | 31237-510 | 41 | Male | Mar 11, 2028 | |
Harold Beasley | 32761-009 | 59 | Male | Jun 6, 2026 | |
Timothy Brown | 24140-510 | 44 | Male | Nov 3, 2025 | |
Kevin Clark | 16507-509 | 48 | Male | May 19, 2028 | |
Justin W Collins | 16039-026 | 45 | Male | Mar 4, 2027 | |
Kevin Edwards | 21241-043 | 53 | Male | Jan 12, 2027 | |
Jesus Gonzalez | 62564-509 | 38 | Male | Jan 6, 2027 | |
Daniel Michael Gutierrez | 59433-509 | 24 | Male | Oct 11, 2025 | |
Robert Earl Hawkins | 35979-001 | 33 | Male | Jan 4, 2026 | |
Roy Lynn Headrick | 54246-074 | 54 | Male | Sep 9, 2026 | |
Juan Hernandez | 39313-510 | 43 | Male | Nov 6, 2028 | |
William Lee Holladay | 31215-509 | 59 | Male | May 9, 2026 | |
Marcus Johnson | 34420-510 | 24 | Male | Jan 3, 2025 | |
Willie Curry Johnson | 12498-002 | 45 | Male | Mar 22, 2029 | |
Eric Jakata Johnson | 21874-510 | 54 | Male | Apr 24, 2028 | |
Paul Benjamin Jones | 14032-021 | 56 | Male | Jun 7, 2028 | |
Omar Lewis | 86917-509 | 38 | Male | Oct 31, 2027 | |
Carlos Lopez | 06068-510 | 50 | Male | Sep 20, 2026 | |
Justin Martin | 87695-510 | 32 | Male | Dec 18, 2026 | |
Messiah May | 34087-057 | 37 | Male | Mar 14, 2026 | |
Roderick O'neil Mcmillian | 08635-003 | 44 | Male | Nov 30, 2025 | |
Timothy Meade | 04220-061 | 57 | Male | Jul 17, 2026 | |
Rhett Peters | 19967-043 | 48 | Male | Oct 21, 2032 | |
Jesus Salinas | 63570-510 | 32 | Male | Jan 24, 2027 | |
Shawn Dellena Samuel | 01661-104 | 33 | Male | May 18, 2026 | |
Courtney Nacol Smith | 84211-509 | 49 | Male | Jul 3, 2027 | |
Jason Todd Smith | 21619-021 | 52 | Male | Feb 10, 2031 | |
Sean Deanthon Smith | 26272-075 | 48 | Male | Feb 12, 2027 | |
Eric Kendall Smith | 17335-002 | 32 | Male | Mar 26, 2026 | |
Louis Marshall Smith | 66222-510 | 34 | Male | Aug 9, 2027 | |
Antonio Fidel Stanfield | 27435-510 | 64 | Male | Aug 6, 2026 | |
John E Sutton | 06958-509 | 40 | Male | Apr 29, 2026 | |
John Sutton | 65766-510 | 56 | Male | Aug 26, 2025 | |
Jeremy D Walker | 57971-510 | 34 | Male | Dec 5, 2027 | |
Joshua White | 20796-509 | 39 | Male | Jan 19, 2027 | |
Brian Williams | 16904-028 | 55 | Male | Jul 12, 2027 | |
Timothy Leon Wilson | 34262-509 | 27 | Male | Aug 12, 2031 | |
Found 38 people. |
Martha carefully picked the day she started her incarceration, leveraging technicalities, and got out 4 days early.
Lori left it to chance and ended up spending an extra 3 days in prison. If she had reported to prison 1 day earlier (Oct 29), she would have gotten out 4 days earlier (Dec 24), and been home for Christmas.
If you are facing sentencing, be smart... Figure out the best day to report to prison.